
Still happy

I am still very happy about the news from Monday. Makes life just a little bit easier. Onwards with the update.

We only have 10 lectures on this weeks quiz, which is about 1/2.5 as many as on the last two. That means I am slacking. But I am trying not to because They way I did on the last quiz, I have a chance of maybe honoring something if I keep working that hard. That might be nice. We will see. We are only 2.5 weeks in don't forget. Seems like a lot more than that.

We have MCB small group tomorrow. I am preparing right now for it. They grade on participation, which I hate. I just don't like talking. The problem is, much like with tests or quizzes, you could research and be really prepared for one part of the case but come to find that the group glosses over that part for about 2 secs. So I am going to try to gain broader knowledge that isn't as deep. Lets see how it goes.

I had to cook again tonight. That is always annoying. Ran 2.5 miles today. That is also always annoying, but Amy made me do it. Jerk face. Nothing much new going on. I give a genetics presentation tomorrow, so I have to dress up. Blow. I only say that because it is cold and slippery out. Knowing me, I will fall. I'll let you know.

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