
End of the Summer

It is officially time to play Dar Williams' "End of the Summer." Sigh. Tomorrow is our first day. We start at 8 w/ M2 orientation then right into Infectious Diseases (ID) from 9 to noon. I will greatly enjoy only having one class at a time. It was like that during Neuro, which made things so much better and easier and more enjoyable. I'm expecting much the same.

This weekend was pretty chill. I went to the M1/M2 buddy picnic on Friday night. Didn't ever meet my buddy. Went to Upstream for the social event. Drank free beer. I know this year is going to be hard, but I am so glad I am not an M1 again. All that awkward meeting and nervousness. I already know that class is going to kick my butt. I have come to accept it. They still look so excited and eager. Poor souls.

So, for those of you who don't have Netflix you may not know that they have been having issues lately w/ shipping. Thus the lack of movie reviews. But.......I'm back

Kill Bill: Vol 2
So.....this one was much different from the first. I thought they were made back to back? The style still followed the "chapter" thing, but the whole style as well as the action and dialog were very different. This one seemed to be making fun of other styles of movies (or at least that is what I thought they were doing): martial arts, westerns, etc. I can't really tell you which one I enjoyed more. The first one had a lot more action, but the second seemed to have some sustenance. I felt the end was kind of fitting but still lacking a little bit. Then again, it made you feel almost warm inside, which is more than you can say for other Tarantino films. Last point: Uma Thurman is sometimes attractive in that movie and sometimes really freaky and ugly looking. Well, 80% of the time it is the latter. I just thought I should point that out.

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