
2 in 1 week

Obviously since I am updating that means that I have a quiz tomorrow. Yes, you are right...2 in one week. Plus, we had a practical (brains) on Tuesday. Let me tell you, it has been a fun week. It is nice that we don't have a quiz Monday morning (Easter Monday mind you), but we still have small group. This means I am taking the good ol' red eye back to Omaha. BUT, I do get to see Bub at home. I'm excited. The Zags play on Good Friday. How not holy is that?

KTO's older sister had her baby on Sunday. Ariana O'Brien Everett. If only she had been a day later. That would have been awesome. Congrats anyway.

I am glad I don't fly out until 8 because I have a lot of little things to do.

I am trying to think of something deep or even amusing to comment on, but I've got nothing for ya. I need to find that part of my brain again. I'll let you know when I do.

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