

I went and saw The Hulk last night with Annie, her bf Jeff, and their friends Chris and Michelle. Originally we were going to see The Happening, but after reading some bad reviews, we decided otherwise. I am usually not a fan of this type of movie. I could probably count all the comic movies I've seen on one hand...The Hulk, maybe an X-Men. That's it. This was entertaining though. I have one major issue with it however. I'm not ruining anything, but whenever his pulse gets above 200 is when he transforms into the Hulk. I don't know about you guys, but I don't think I have ever gotten my heart rate that high. Even mid run, it is maybe 160 or so. Mom says when they do stress tests, they aim to get the heart to 160. 200....I don't believe you. And no, I will not suspend my beliefs for the movie.

I've notice this for a while, and stop me if I've already said this. But........I always forget that my life is not being podcasted. All of our lectures at school are on podcast. Plus, we get note service. All this adds up to the fact that I have a hard time paying attention. If I miss something, say, in a homily, I think to myself, "Oh, don't worry, I'll pick it up on the podcast." Wait...no. It's annoying. I am thinking of hiring someone to record my life. I am currently taking applications.

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