
Happy Easter!!!

Easter! I have always been (and likely will always be) an Easter Vigil person. That is what I grew up with, so it just makes sense to keep doing it. I think Sacred Heart at home does it better (just such great singing), but St Leos wasn't too bad this year. It seemed to have more of a turn out this year than last year. I love how the dress varies - you'll have people in full suits and people in track suits. Heck, as long as you are coming, I don't care. I myself had jeans on (oops), but I'll tell more of that later. Started with the candles of course, which I love. And the singing of the "Easter Proclamation," which always sends goosebumps down my arm. The lecterns where all stars, especially the "chariots and charioteers" lectern. My favorite part always though is the Litany of the Saints. As I think I said last year, it really requires a strong cantor, and we had it this year. She was very clear in her names. My only issues was...we did one verse of saints but then went on to saying the names of the new adults being brought into the church that night. Meaning......no Perpetua and Felicity...or any others. I don't know, I think it is better w/o names like Ronald and Charlisse. Just saying. We had 3 adult baptisms and then about 10 additional adult confirmations etc. All in all - awesome and took 2 hours. Also - long entry today, but movie review at the end!

Mid-week this past week I got an email from my vital signs faculty leader (also the chair of anesthesia) inviting us to a "meeting" at a local resturaunt on Saturday. I responded yes, and then proceeded to get an invite to play tennis at his place before dinner. I am by no means a good tennis player, but I am athletic. For this reason I knew I wouldn't fully embarass myself. He has a nice court at his place, and we hit around for a bit. He also helped me with my backhand, which has always been an ugly spot in my tennis "game." The meeting afterward was good with some very yummy appetizers. Since the final four games were on (GO BUTLER!), he invited us all over to his place to watch the 2nd game. 3 of us students went over, and I managed to just pull myself away at the very last minute to make it in time to Easter Vigil. It was a good night though in general.

The Matt had his "race" on Friday - 2 miles against another history teacher much of his same build. Matt lost but did finish! Ran it in about 16:30, which is better than I could ever ever ever run 2 miles. I am pretty sure I would keel over dead. Go Matt! His spring break has started though, so he ditched me for Olympia. Sad face. That is okay. Starting a tradition of Easter Calzones with my friend Amber.

Both of my outpatient docs were Creighton Med grads and Creighton Med residents (different years, different residencies). It is amazing to me just how different they are in their practice of medicine. Neither of them is "bad" or "wrong." In fact, I would consider both of them good docs - someone I would send my family too. They are just very different in their approach to the patient, the physical, the diagnosis, and the treatment. I guess that goes for all docs, but I think this is just the first time I have noticed it this much.

Movie Review --- We Own the Night
I am just going to cut to the chase here. It was a long 2hr movie. The action, while good, was few and far between. The writing seemed iffy at times. It had a great cast, but in the end, even good actors can't pull a movie out. If it had been about 30 minutes shorter - bam, better movie. It just had too much roller coaster going on for me. And not good emotional roller coaster type drama thing. More stupid, "really? this again" type coaster. I wouldn't say don't watch it. I wouldn't recommend it though either. Sad. Overall - 5/10

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