
I hate being superstitious

I'm pretty sure I've been superstitious since I was young, since we walked home after school and tried not to step on cracks as not to break our mother's back. I'm not weird crazy superstitious. Just a little bit. I notice it most when it comes time for basketball or tests. A good test example: for our first few classes this year, I always took exams with my pink mechanical pencil. Then it disappeared. Then I used a grey one. Now I found another pink one and am afraid to use it (not super afraid, just silly afraid) thinking that the grey has done me so well. My mom can attest to the basketball stuff. High school: before every game for the most part I would eat a foot long club from Subway w/ olives, tomatoes, and mayo (it is delicious by the way). College senior year: straightened my hair for every game (the 2 times I didn't, we lost). IM basketball: I don't put my insoles in my shoes because I played 1 game really well without them. It isn't that it gets in the way of me living, I just think it is awfully silly to have these types of things pop up in my head often.

Sorry for the hiatous. We had a final on Friday. I had both clinic and a basketball game on Thurs, so I was trying to get my studying done early. It didn't help. I still passed just fine, but I was a little disappointed in my score. I had done pretty kick butt on everything else in the class, but I sucked it up on the final. We get to look at the answers tomorrow, so at least then I'll know if it was knowledge issues (which I prefer) or test taking errors (the type you hit your head on the wall about).

Happy belated birthday to my sister! On Thursday

Saturday we drove to Kearney to watch the Regis girls play. The RMAC has been all up and down this season that the team could finish anywhere from 2nd to 7th in league w/ only 2 games left. Crazy. Needless to say, 6 hours of driving in 1 day is a lot. On the way back we searched for AM stations. We caught this program called Coast to Coast, which Matt of course has listend to before. Basically it is a consipiracy theory/sci fi show where people call in to talk about how they know the anti-christ or how they've been abducted before. Hilarious. Here comes the weird part. This was a replay from 2001 for some odd reason. The original air date....March 7th. My 16th birthday!!!!! Weird? Weird. Also, we found it being broadcast on about 5 different stations pretty far apart on the dial. Weird!!!

We start muscle/skin/integument tomorrow. Whoop!

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