

Sorry, no movie review today. I've been pretty busy lately. Grrrrrr. Cardio, while interesting, is a lot of information. I am having a hard time stuffing all the physiology, pathology, and clinical aspects into my head. This weekend is going to be busy w/ studying for the quiz for sure. Frustratioiin sets in.....now.

Ever since I went to Regis, I probably have at least one person every 3 or 4 months or so tell me that I look like someone/remind them of someone. Everyone thinks they know me from somewhere. Now, do I really look that nondescript? Personally, I've never seen anyone (other than my cousin) who looks like me. I don't get annoyed at the comments; I just find it funny

Please stop me if I have talked about this before, but I really think this needs to be addressed. Omaha has a red-light-running problem. I think it has for a long time and is afraid to admit it. Let me give you some numbers because I know all of you are asking "what is a 'problem' to you?" I pass through probably about 25 lights or so on my way to school (okay, I really have no clue, but it is over 20). On the average drive, I would say I get stopped at about 15 (Omaha also has issues with light timing, but that is for another blog.) In stopping at 15 lights total, I probably see about 10 people run a red light in total. This isn't just questionable running. This is "it is green my direction and you are still in the intersection" running. I have seen 5 people run a single light. No, not 5 in an entire cycle. 5 in 1 light turning red. The other problem is that drivers just expect it and tolerate it. No honking. No cursing (except from Matt and myself of course). I have almost been hit (as a pedestrian) several times already. It is ridiculous. The thing is, it is easy to get caught up in. I know you are sitting there saying "I wouldn't get caught up in it," but you would be surprised. As I approach a light, I find myself saying "I can still make it" rather that "I can still stop." This crazy attitude is contagious and dangerous. My solution: red light cameras. Now, I have never been a fan of these just because. I am finally advocating them here. I know there may be rules against them, but at least threaten to put them in. I know it takes a lot of money up front, but I am pretty sure they would pay for themselves. Time for some math:

I expect to see 1 red light run if I sit at a light for over 1 minute. (Keep in mind this applies to small and large/busy intersections. Omaha-ians don't make exceptions). If that is just my short time there, I would venture a guess to say that at least 30 red lights are run a day on big intersections and 20 on smaller ones. We'll make this simple and just talk about 1 light. Okay, so 1 light, 1 day = 30 runs. What, is it a $50 ticket? I have no clue. Let's assume it is that much. That is $1500 for ONE INTERSECTION for ONE DAY. For a week? $10,500!!! 'nough said.

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