The run-down
Last Monday, the 14th, we all received emails from the matching program saying whether or not we matched. Everyone gets the email at about noon eastern time. Read here for how the match works. I am currently on my rheumatology rotation. My classmate and I were super anxious all morning. I think we were making the patients all nervous. Both of us got good emails (she got her's 2 minutes before me, which made me go crazy). The rest of the day we both felt light as air. She is going into orthopedic surgery - usually a very hard thing to get into. You need a stellar resume for that. She obviously has it.
The next few days drag by for obvious reasons. We had a fake match party in which everyone had to try to react with their happy face even with a bottom pick. Needless to say my sleep suffered this past week.
Thursday morning rolls around bringing with it the perfect storm of drinking - St Patrick's Day, the Match, and NCAA basketball. The weather was great. Little overcast but in the low 60s. Matt and I start the day stopping at a bar his friend 745AM. I passed on the drink; Matt had one. We then hit up a greasy spoon dinner for breakfast. Hashed browns and an omlette. Awesome start. Then to the bar on school for an early morning happy hour. We were all up in the ballroom ready to get the show on the road at 1030AM.
Technically we can't start opening envelopes til noon easter, so we wasted time with some logistics etc. We are called up randomly on stage, in front of friends, family, and all the world wide web. (Here is the video recording, you can skip ahead a few minutes til after we pray, but don't go too far). Everyone brings a dollar so that the last person called up at least gets something for having to wait nervously. Until you open your envelope, you have no clue where you are going. No. Clue. I was assuming, knowing my luck, that I wouldn't be called til late in the hour making my family and friends wait online. Little to my surprise though....I get called up 2nd!!!! (that's why you don't want to go too far on the video). I am pretty sure this is the point at which I black out from nerves. Oh. My. Goodness. Sweaty palms.
Matt and I go onstage. Envelope now in hand. Nervous. Opening. Two things circled. Creighton preliminary. Virginia Mason anesthesia. AHHHHHHHHH. Give Matt a kiss. Shake some hands. Proceed to cry a little. Black out from excitement. I honestly don't remember what the next 20 or so of my classmates said up on stage. Too many texts and tears.
If you couldn't tell, we are excited. This gives us plenty of time to find Matt a job and a place to live up in Seattle. The idea of moving in June this year didn't seem fun. And now I can go back to planning the wedding. Which is going fine. Thanks for asking.