2 nights ago (?) we went to dinner at Anthony's overlooking the falls. It was georgous. The pic below is long exposure. I know, the background is a little blurry, but I tried.
Today involved 3.5 hours at my dad's office. Let me tell you...that was fun. I almost swallowed a gold in-lay (I think that is how you spell it). I then coughed it up. Go me!!!
I've been working in HR for the past few day. Again, thrilling. Other than that, not much has gone on. Bo and I played tennis on Tuesday because the weather was nice enough. Yesterday, I convinced Mom to come work out with me. She is so cute.
Koby, my next door neighbor of 20 years or so is getting married on Sunday at the Bozarth. Tonight is his bachelor party. They, including Bo, are all in his backyard being rowdy right now. I hear they are going to state-line and then shooting. Or something like that. Guns sound dangerous when you are drunk. Maybe that is just me. Also, Elkfest/Artfest is this weekend. I am hoping and praying that they have the same slurpee-esque mojito's that they had last year. It won't be as warm this year, but they will taste just as good.
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